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joi, august 28, 2008

Daca va intrebati de ce nu am mai trecut de mult pe aici, este ca acum folosesc mai mult Netlogul. Am creat un grup despre tehnica fotografica. Am incercat pe forumul Softpedia sa interactionez si cu alti oameni pasionati de fotografie, dar mi se raspunde greu. Pe Netlog, in grupul Picturi in imagini(nu stiu daca se potriveste titlul, voi ce ziceti?) sunt propietar. Incerc sa invat despre tehnica fotografica, alaturi de alti oameni pasionati la randul lor de fotografie. Acolo astept discutii in contradictoriu si discutii pro. Numai interactionand cu alti fotografi poti invata. Arta fotografica este grea, poate mult mai grea decat pictura. Acolo nu ai nevoie decat de o panza goala, pensule, culori, sevalet si un pic de talent. Pe cand aici, in arta fotografiei, talentul se transforma in compozitie si in date tehnice. Va invit si pe voi sa va alaturati acestui grup. Singurul inconvenient este ca trebuie sa fii membru Netlog ca sa te poti inscrie in grupul meu.
Daca vi se pare ca Netlogul nu vi se potriveste din diverse motive sau poate il considerati un alt site de matrimoniale, atunci va invit sa vizitati pagina mea de pe Netlog pentru a vedea ca atunci cand vrei sa transmiti cu adevarat ceva, poti. Tu iti poti crea pagina de pe Netlog(in caz ca nu esti membru) exact asa cum vrei tu in limita posibilitatilor de skin. Tu poti alege daca vrei ca pagina ta sa arate ca cea a unui om destept sau ca cea a unui om care cauta doar o aventura de o noapte(crede-ma, din pacate, gasesti si astfel de specimene pe Netlog si nu sunt numai barbati).

vineri, august 15, 2008

Am primit acest mesaj prin mail. Prefer sa nu comentez asupra lui. Va las pe voi sa va dati cu parerea! Ce este real si ce nu?

"From Mrs Rebecca Williams
N�[38 Rue Des Martyrs Cocody
Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire


I am the above named person from Kuwait . I am married to Mr Benson Williams, who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he died in the year 2004. We were married for eleven years without a child. He died after a brief illness that lasted for only four days.
Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death I decided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which the Bible is against. When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of $2. 5 Million (Two Million Five Hundred U.S. Dollars) in the bank here in Abidjan in suspense account.
Presently, the fund is still with the bank. Recently, my Doctor told me that i have serious sickness which is cancer problem. The one that disturbs me most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided to donate this fund to a church or individual that will utilize this money the way I am going to instruct herein. I want a church that will use this fund for orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavour that the house of God is maintained.
The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. I took this decision because I don抰 have any child that will inherit this money and my husband relatives are not Christians and I don抰 want my husband抯 efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don抰 want a situation where this money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking this decision. I am not afraid of death hence i know where I am going. I know that I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says that the Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.
I don抰 need any telephone communication in this regard because of my health hence the presence of my husband抯 relatives is around me always I don't want them to know about this development. With God all things are possible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact of the bank here in Abidjan . I want you and the church to always pray for me because the Lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of a worthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him in spirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
Contact me on the above e-mail address for more information抯, any delay in your reply will give me room in sourcing another church or individual for this same purpose. Please assure me that you will act accordingly as I Stated herein. Hoping to receive your

Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs Rebecca Williams."

P.S.: Nici macar nu stiu la ce categorie sa il incadrez?!

luni, august 11, 2008

Despre fotografie

Cu cat studiezi mai multa foto tehnica, cu atat mai mult iti dai seama cat de putine lucruri stii despre arta fotografiei. E greu sa faci o fotografie gandindu-te la tehnica. Cu compozitia este mai usor, deoarece o poti realiza cu orice aparat foto, atata timp cat ai un pic de imaginatie si un simt estetic foarte dezvoltat. Oricat de mult ai seta aparatul, la tehnica trebuie sa faci in medie cam 20 de poze in aceeasi pozitie ca sa ai de unde alege o fotografie reusita.

In fotografie:
Compozitia = setarile ochiului uman
Tehnica = setarile aparatului foto

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